21 October 2024

In today’s episode, Shawn O’Malley (@Shawn_OMalley_) discusses the formula used by some of history’s best investors to systematically beat the market averages. It’s not a secret formula for winning if you don’t have any investing edge, but it is a system for maximizing wealth over time by properly sizing bets based on your conviction in terms of how favorable bets are for you ( your “edge.”)

You’ll learn about the great minds of Bell Labs behind the Kelly formula, how Ed Thorpe used the Kelly formula to beat the dealers in Las Vegas, which investors have used the Kelly formula and found success with it, how to define having an “edge” in investing and what that can mean for you, the controversies surrounding the Kelly formula, and why the Kelly formula isn’t better known, plus so much more!

Prefer to watch? Click here to watch this episode on YouTube.



  • The origins of the esteemed Bell Labs and how its research led to the Kelly formula’s creation
  • How to define and use the Kelly formula
  • Why the Kelly formula is helpful
  • Why there are limits to the Kelly formula
  • How Ed Thorpe beat the dealer and the markets with the Kelly formula
  • How Claude Shannon’s approach to beating the markets with the Kelly formula differed from Thorpe’s
  • What it means to have an edge in markets
  • Why the Kelly formula is controversial
  • How to think about your own edge in markets
  • Why the Kelly formula isn’t better known
  • And much, much more!



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[00:00:03] Shawn O’Malley: On today’s episode, I’ll be going through what has been called the secret formula for succeeding in casinos, racetracks, and in investing. Investing is not gambling, but they do share similarities. Both deal with uncertainty, risk, and financial payouts, and many great investors are also excellent gamblers.

[00:00:20] Shawn O’Malley: I recently read the book Fortune’s Formula: The Untold story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street by William Poundstone. If you’re skeptical, good, because you should be. Things that sound too good to be true almost always are. This formula is less a secret guide to infinite riches and more a disciplined way to think about making bets.

[00:00:41] Shawn O’Malley: To some extent, every investment is a bet. A bet that a company’s management will continue to treat shareholders well, a bet that competition will not consume a company’s returns, a bet that a company’s new product will be a big hit, or maybe even a bet that a company will turn its fortunes around.

[00:00:58] Shawn O’Malley: Buying attractively priced stocks isn’t as uncertain as buying lottery tickets, but it is still a bet based on some assumptions. Therefore, I think it’s important for investors to understand the science behind making good bets. So I’ll be sharing my favorite takeaways and anecdotes from Poundstone’s book today, with the hope that I can help you learn a thing or two about making good bets, either in investing, gambling, or any other part of your life that deals with uncertainty.

[00:01:23] Shawn O’Malley: The approach outlined in the book is actually widely used by top investors still today, but not as well understood by non-professionals. By listening to the rest of this episode, you can change that at least for yourself. With that, let’s get right into it.

[00:01:40] Intro: Celebrating 10 years, you are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Since 2014, we have been value investors go to source for studying legendary investors, understanding timeless books, and breaking down great businesses now for your host, Shawn O’Malley.

[00:01:57] Shawn O’Malley: So today, I’ll be discussing Fortune’s Formula, which is a book about the so-called Kelly formula, named after the gun-toting Texas physicist John L. Kelly Jr., together with mathematician Claude Shannon, who is known as the father of the digital age and whose IQ rivaled Einstein’s, the two men discovered the scientific formula for getting rich while working at Bell Labs in 1956.

[00:02:18] Shawn O’Malley: In short, they applied a technique called the science of information theory, which is effectively the basis for computers and the internet, to the problem of earning as much money as possible. With the Kelly formula in hand, as it is now known, Shannon joined up with another MIT mathematician and legendary stock investor, Ed Thorpe, to try their hand at winning in Las Vegas, it worked.


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