09 April 2024

In this today’s episode, Patrick Donley (@JPatrickDonley) sits down with Brent Beshore, CEO of Permanent Equity, a private equity firm with a long-term holding period of 30 years that invests in family-owned companies. You’ll hear about Brent’s conversion story and his journey from atheism to faith and how that has affected his life and career. You’ll also learn what it was like for him to become more public with his beliefs, the books he recommends to skeptics, what his advice is to people looking to acquire a business, his views on buying vs. starting a business, and so much more!

After beginning his career as an entrepreneur, Brent founded Permanent Equity in 2007 and leads the firm as CEO, working with investors, operators, and on evaluating new investment opportunities.  

Brent is raising three young daughters and a new baby boy with Dr. Erica Beshore, participating in church activities, and occasionally enjoying competitive tennis and bad golf.



  • What the daily practice Brent has done that has had the biggest impact on his life.
  • How Brent’s conversion story from atheism to faith unfolded.
  • Why his quest for money, success, and power left him feeling empty.
  • How becoming a believer has affected his business life.
  • What it was like becoming more public with his beliefs.
  • What are some books he’d recommend to skeptics.
  • What Brent would recommend to a young person who wants to acquire a business.
  • What his thoughts on SBA loans are.
  • What his thoughts on buying vs. starting a business are.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:02] Brent Beshore: And one of the questions I love to ask older, wiser people is, you know, if you were 35, 40, 30, whatever it is, age, you know, what would you, what advice would you give yourself kind of 15, 20 years ago that would be most helpful to you today? And so I asked him that question and he stopped and he was like, that’s an easy one.

[00:00:25] Patrick Donley: Hey guys, in today’s episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down and talking with Brent Beshore, the CEO of Permanent Equity, a private equity firm with a long term holding period of 30 years that invests in family owned businesses. You’ll hear about Brent’s conversion story and his journey from atheism to faith and how that has affected his life and career.

[00:00:43] Patrick Donley: You also learn what it was like for him to become more public with his beliefs, the books he recommends to skeptics, what his advice is to people looking to acquire a business, his views on buying versus starting a business, and a whole lot more. There are a handful of investors that have made a big impact on me on Twitter and Brent is definitely one of those.

[00:01:01] Patrick Donley: This was a little different episode as we really focused on Brent’s journey to faith and how that has affected his life and career for the better. I really found it fascinating, and I hope you guys do too. Without further delay, let’s dive into today’s episode with Brent Beshore.

[00:01:20] Intro: Celebrating 10 years. You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Since 2014, we interviewed successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation. Now for your host, Patrick Donley.

[00:01:46] Patrick Donley: Hey everybody. Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host today, Patrick Donley. And joining me in the studio today is Mr. Brent Beshore. Brent, welcome to the show. 

[00:01:55] Brent Beshore: Hey, thanks for having me on. Appreciate it. 

[00:01:58] Patrick Donley: I’ve been really excited to have you on here. You’ve unknowingly been a pretty big influence on me.

[00:02:04] Patrick Donley: I shared before we started talking that I think your podcast with Chris Powers was the only time I’ve listened to a podcast and started crying as he was sharing some of his, kind of faith journey, which we’ll get into later with you, but. I just wanted to start off, you had a post today on Twitter about a practice that you’ve done for the last year that I thought was really interesting and I wanted to go into it.

[00:02:25] Patrick Donley: It was a wiser older man gave you this advice. Can you share a little bit about that and just go into it, what it was, what it is, and then what the outcome was for you? 

[00:02:35] Brent Beshore: I was with a group of men out in California and it was kind of a small group of guys. I met this gentleman, his name’s Todd Peterson.

[00:02:45] Brent Beshore: Todd actually used to kick in the NFL. Just a great guy. He’s an entrepreneur. He’s just like the consummate loving elder now, but he’s not that old. I mean, he’s in his fifties. Like mid to late fifties at this point. But he’s just like this kind, generous, loving guy. And so I got to develop a relationship with him in this sort of group environment.


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