23 March 2020

On today’s show, I talk with Brad Stulberg, the co-author of Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success.  Stulberg is an author, executive coach, and speaker who has written about how athletes, musicians and preselectional achieve and sustain peak performance.

Stulberg has interviewed hundreds of high-performers, from legendary investors to big wave surfers and mountain climbers, and in the process he’s identified the secret to performing at our best, and maintaining that level of performance for our careers.



  • What is the Growth Equation?
  • The positive impact of stress, at least at the right dose
  • The importance of productive failure
  • Why “more is not better, better is better
  • How to tap into a flow state
  • The importance of routine
  • How successful people use rest to maintain peak performance
  • The power of purpose to fuel our peak performance


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors may occur.

Sean Murray  00:02

Welcome to The Good Life! I’m your host, Sean Murray. My guest today is Brad Stulberg, the co-author of the book, Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success. We recorded our conversation before the COVID-19 crisis started to unfold, and now that many of us are feeling a heightened sense of stress and potential burnout, Brad’s message is more timely and relevant than ever.

In this episode, we talk about the relationship between stress, rest and growth, how to get to your peak and stay at your peak, the importance of “just manageable challenges,” something Brad calls “productive failure,” and the power of single-tasking. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Brad as much as I did. My friends, I bring you Brad Stulberg.

Intro  00:54

You’re listening to The Good Life by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where we explore the ideas, principles, and values that help you with a meaningful, purposeful life. Join your host, Sean Murray, on a journey for the life well-lived.

Sean Murray  01:17

Brad, welcome to The Good Life!

Brad Stulberg  01:20

Sean, thanks so much for having me. It’s great to be on the show.

Sean Murray  01:23

The topic of today’s discussion is achieving healthy sustainable peak performance. How do we push ourselves to be the best version of whatever it is we do; the best investor; the best leader of an organization or team; the best writer; the best podcaster? And how do we sustain that kind of peak performance? Because in our world, to be the best requires learning and growing and getting better, and there’s a real risk of burnout at times.

You’ve co-authored a wonderful book on this subject with Steve Magness called, Peak Performance. Maybe we could start with a little background on you and Steve and how you came to write this book.

Brad Stulberg  02:00

The long story short of it is both Steve and I had pretty good conventional success as young adults, myself more in the intellectual realm. I was a top student at the University of Michigan and took a job at McKinsey & Company right out of school. Steve [excelled] more in the athletic realm. In his senior year of high school, he was the fastest distance-runner in Texas and the sixth-fastest distance-runner in the world. Both of us burnt out pretty hard. Steve’s running career went to crap in college. I lasted about two years at McKinsey & Company before I was just completely burned out, emotionally and physically just tired, and apathetic.

Both of us went back to graduate school at that time in our lives, had a chance to pivot, and became interested in what underlies not just achieving a level of peak performance, but also sustaining it. We met shortly after graduate school. I think we were both probably a couple of years out. We read each other’s work online and decided that we had a lot in common that we thought we had enough to write a book together.

Sean Murray  03:05

Well, it’s a great book! It’s a fantastic read. I highly recommend it. You’ve developed this success equation. Maybe you could talk a little bit about that because I found that very helpful. It’s something to keep in mind as we’re trying to both achieve peak performance and sustain it.


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