25 April 2022

In today’s episode, William Green speaks with valuation guru Aswath Damodaran, who has written numerous books on how to value companies and invest successfully. The ultimate teacher, Aswath is a legendary professor of finance at NYU who has also made his classes available for free online to millions of followers around the world. In this conversation, he shares insights on how to value stocks, find the right investment strategy for you, and build a joyful life.


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  • Why it’s so valuable to build unscheduled “day-dreaming time” into your day.
  • Why it’s a competitive advantage to be a generalist in a world of specialists.
  • What 42 years as a professor have taught Aswath about how to communicate.
  • Why he’s intensely skeptical about the ESG movement.
  • Why he owns no cryptocurrencies and views Bitcoin as a currency “for the paranoid.”
  • Which investment principles guide him.
  • How to identify the investment philosophy that fits best for you.
  • Why he’s glad that he sold Amazon and Tesla, and how he hit the jackpot with Apple.
  • How he values businesses by focusing on three key drivers above all else.
  • Which investors he admires the most.
  • Why it’s so important to spread your bets and not concentrate too aggressively.
  • Why he believes that macroeconomic forecasting makes soothsayers look good.
  • How he maintains his serenity in difficult times, both in markets and life.
  • How “small, right” actions can have a massive impact on you and others.
  • Why he treasures the freedom to speak his mind, quit his job, and walk away.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

William Green (00:00:03):
Hi there. My guest today is Aswath Damodaran, who’s a cult figure in the world of investing. When it comes to valuing businesses, Aswath is pretty much the ultimate authority. He’s written numerous books with titles like Damodaran on Valuation and The Little Book of Valuation. As a Professor of Finance at NYU since the 1980s, he’s taught thousands of MBA students how to value companies and pick stocks. But Aswath is really a rebel at heart. So, he also took the very radical step of making all of his university courses available online for free. As a result, he’s built an enormous following around the world. His YouTube channel has something like 425,000 subscribers. His Google talk, last time I checked, had been viewed more than 1.1 million times, and his website has had nearly 10 million unique visitors. This extraordinary level of exposure has led Aswath to joke that he’s the Kim Kardashian of evaluation.

William Green (00:01:01):
It’s not hard to see why so many people are fascinated by him. As you’ll hear in this interview, he’s a fantastic speaker, wonderfully articulate, insightful, and never afraid to be provocative. In this conversation, he talks about his distinctive approach to valuing businesses. He speaks about stocks like Tesla and Amazon and Apple and Alibaba. He also explains why he regards Bitcoin as, “A currency created by the paranoid for the paranoid.” He talks candidly about why he’s intensely skeptical about the ESG movement. He explains what teaching for decades or so has taught him about how to communicate well. He also shares some profound advice on work and happiness and freedom, that had a powerful impact on me. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. Thanks so much for joining us.

Intro (00:01:55):
You’re listening to the Richer, Wiser, Happier podcast where your host, William Green, interviews the world’s greatest investors and explores how to win in markets and life.

William Green (00:02:05):
Aswath Damodaran, it’s such a pleasure to be here with you. Thank you so much for joining us.

Aswath Damodaran (00:02:19):
I’m glad to be with you.

William Green (00:02:22):
I wanted to start by talking a little bit about your childhood, your upbringing in India. And over the last few days, I’ve read several of your books and listened to a million of your interviews and it struck me that in one of your books, Investment Fables, which has the subtitle, Exposing the Myths of “Can’t Miss” Investment Strategies, you dedicated the book to your parents, and I was really intrigued by the dedication. You wrote, “To my father who showed me the power of ideas and to my mother who taught me the value of common sense.” And so, I wondered if we could start by talking a bit about your parents and how they shaped and influenced who you are today.

Aswath Damodaran (00:02:53):
Yeah, I grew up in an India that’s very different from the India that you experience today, an India that really hadn’t changed much for hundreds of years. It was an India that was in many ways worse because there were far more people who were poor, but also an India that was connected with… It was social connections that held people together. I still remember when I was growing up, I mean, I was part of an extended family. I probably had a hundred relatives, all lived within five miles of me in the same city. And every evening, because there was no TV when I was growing up for the first 16 years of my life, TV hadn’t arrived, there was nothing on the radio, and the adults would all gather together, 30 people, and sit around and talk about whatever, and kids would come in and go.


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