22 February 2021

On today’s show, Robert Leonard sits down with Lakinya Francis to learn more about the vending machine investing business, and how this can be scaled to generate passive income, just like real estate, for an investor with little capital. Lakinya is the founder of iKrave Vending, which helps potential business owners achieve success in the vending machine space.



  • An overview of the vending machine business.
  • How to get started in the vending machine business.
  • Why location is so important for vending machines.
  • Structuring agreements for machine spaces.
  • What kind of competition can one face when entering the vending machine business?
  • The potential returns to be seen from vending machines.
  • How this business can be scaled.
  • And much, much more!


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Robert Leonard (00:02):
On today’s show, I sit down with Lakinya Francis to learn more about the vending machine business and how this can be scaled to generate passive income just like real estate, for an investor with little capital. Lakinya is the founder of iKrave Vending, which helps potential business owners achieve success in the vending machine space. Before I prepared for this conversation with Lakinya, I didn’t know anything about the vending machine business. But as I started to learn more through my research and as Lakinya and I started to talk more, I couldn’t help but notice how many similarities there are between the vending machine business and real estate. You’ll hear me mention that a few times throughout the show. If you’ve been interested in real estate but don’t quite have enough money yet, the vending machine business might be an option for you. Let’s learn more about the business in this week’s episode with Lakinya Francis.

Intro (00:56):
You’re listening to Real Estate Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful investors from various real estate investing niches to help educate you on your real estate investing journey.

Robert Leonard (01:18):
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Real Estate 101 Podcast. As always, I’m your host, Robert Leonard. And today, we’re going to be talking about an interesting possible spin on real estate with Lakinya Francis. Welcome to the show, Lakinya.

Lakinya Francis (01:34):
It’s good to be here. Thanks so much for having me. I’m actually pretty excited to talk about this unique business with you today.

Robert Leonard (01:42):
I’m looking forward to our conversation because it’s an interesting business model that I hadn’t really given much thought before. I certainly didn’t think it was still viable in today’s tech driven world. Before we get into that conversation, tell us a bit about yourself and who you are.

Lakinya Francis (02:00):
As you mentioned, I’m Lakinya Francis. I’m actually from Miami, Florida. And what I initially do right now is I help individuals that are looking to get into the vending machine business get started. Sometimes it seems like, Oh, it’s just a machine and you just go put it out there. But a lot of people don’t know what to do from point A to Z. As far as buying a machine, what type of vending to get into. Do I need business license? Do I need permits? How do I obtain a location? It’s so many small little factors and that’s what I do. But what got me to this point is pretty funny. Working a nine-to-five, like most people. And I’m thinking to myself, man, I need to find something that I can do. Little side hustle, bringing in a little extra income, something that won’t really take me away from my job, but I can do it at the same time. It won’t cost me an arm and a leg to get started.

Lakinya Francis (02:55):
I just started researching all sorts of things. And surprisingly, I came across vending because at work I’m like, I see this guy coming in here all the time, restocking this vending machine. It’s not even a brand new one and people are killing it. So I’m like, hold on, that might be something. So I started research in vending, watching YouTube videos and whatever I can find out there, articles and whatever. I just did that for months and then one day I just of got up and bought some machines. I had been saving, so I had an idea of what I needed, but that’s literally how that went. And from there, I will be honest, I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of mistakes and a lot of things that I’ve learned along the way. That’s what really brought me to the point that I am today. It’s pretty interesting because as I continue this path of helping others, it’s amazing the different types of vending machine businesses that you can actually get into. That’s a lot more interesting than packing the snacks. But yeah, so that’s pretty much me in a nutshell.


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