13 December 2021

In this week’s episode, Robert Leonard talks with Brandon Elliot all about Section 8 real estate investing, BRRRR investing, how credit works, and much, much more! Brandon is a successful real estate investor, entrepreneur, and podcast host.



  • What Section 8 investing is.
  • Why Section 8 investing might not be as scary as some investors make it seem.
  • Who Section 8 investing is good for and who it might not be good for.
  • What BRRRR investing is.
  • How to find cities to invest in.
  • How to manage long-distance properties.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Brandon Elliot (00:03):

I used to get this all the time like, “So how do you unclog this toilet for your tenants in the middle of the night?” I’m like, “You do that for your tenants?” I don’t know if I would do that for myself in the middle of the night or for my lady.

Robert Leonard (00:17):

In this week’s episode, I talk with Brandon Elliot all about Section 8 real estate investing, BRRRR investing, how credit works and much, much more. Brandon is a successful real estate investor, entrepreneur and podcast host.

Robert Leonard (00:33):

I really enjoy talking about Section 8 housing because the first real estate property that I actually almost ever bought in my life, the first rental I went to go look at was a Section 8 property. And I ended up not purchasing it because I heard a lot of negative things about Section 8 from real estate investors on the internet.

Robert Leonard (00:50):

And so in this episode, it was really interesting to really sit down and talk to somebody who focuses on Section 8 and somebody who loves it. So hear the ins and outs of all about Section 8 housing. And then we also talk about BRRRR investing and how credit works, which is always fascinating. So let’s get ready to it. I hope you guys enjoy this episode with Brandon Elliot.

Intro (01:12):

You’re listening to Real Estate Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host Robert Leonard interviews successful investors from various real estate investing niches, to help educate you on your real estate investing journey.

Robert Leonard (01:33):

Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Real Estate 101 podcast, as always I’m your host Robert Leonard. And with me today, I have Brandon Elliot. Brandon, welcome to the show.

Brandon Elliot (01:42):

What’s up Robert. I appreciate you having me man. I’m excited to be here.

Robert Leonard (01:46):

You have a lot of different things going on, but help me set the stage for everyone listening today by telling us a bit about yourself, and a quick overview that we’ll dive into deeper later about how you went from being on house arrest to a $5 million net worth.

Brandon Elliot (02:04):

Long story short, I’m from New Jersey originally. I live out in Sunny San Diego, California. Fell in love with it out here. I grew up a screw up, got into drugs and stupid stuff. Ended up having an explosion burnt 40% of my body. I was on fire, so they induced me into a coma for a week, three surgeries later, a month in the hospital. I had to learn how to walk again and court stuff pending. So it was just a crazy experience.


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