16 January 2023

In this week’s episode, Patrick Donley (@jpatrickdonley) talks with Matt Whitermore about his journey into real estate with a triplex house hack, his experience in multi-family investing, the advantages of RV parks and how he adds value to them, how the transition from the corporate world to real estate entrepreneur has been, his use of technology in the acquisition process, and much more! 

Matt lives in upstate New York and is a consultant and investor in campgrounds and RV parks. His first RV park investment is situated on 26 acres that includes a world-class trout fishing stream. Before getting into investing, he worked as an analyst in commercial real estate finance and investments.



  • How Matt first got interested in real estate investing.
  • His experience in house hacking a triplex.
  • How a mentor helped him understand the benefits of RV parks.
  • What kind of due diligence is involved in buying an RV park?
  • Some of the biggest challenges he’s experienced in his first deal.
  • Who his favorite real estate teachers are and how he views real estate courses.
  • What his all-time best investment has been.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Matt Whitermore: The first deal’s the hardest. You build all those systems and processes and relationships. The second deal’s going to be easier, the third deal’s going to be even easier, and then you just, you keep that momentum and you just roll downhill and keep it going. And before you know it, you’re going to have 10, 20, 30 properties.

[00:00:19] Patrick Donley: In this week’s episode, I interviewed Matt Whitermore about his journey into real estate with the triplex house hack. His experience in multi-family investing, the advantages of RV parks and how he adds value to them. How the transition from the corporate world to real estate entrepreneur has been and his use of technology in the acquisition process.

[00:00:37] Patrick Donley: Matt lives in upstate New York and is a consultant and investor in campgrounds and RV parks. His first RV park investment is situated on a world-class trout fishing stream in the Catskill Mountains. Prior to getting into investing, he worked as an analyst in commercial real estate finance and investments.

[00:00:53] Patrick Donley: RV Park investing seems to be gathering more and more interest and capital. I really enjoyed learning about Matt’s transition from multi-family investor to seasonal campground owner. I hope you guys enjoy this one and get a lot of value from our discuss. Now without further delay, let’s dive into this week’s episode with Matt Whitermore.

[00:01:14] Intro: You are listening to Real Estate 101 by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts Robert Leonard and Patrick Donley, interview successful investors from various real estate investing niches, to help educate you on your real estate investing journey.

[00:01:37] Patrick Donley: Hey everybody. Welcome to the Real Estate 101 Podcast. I’m your host, Patrick Donley, and with me today is a special guest, Matt Whitermore. Matt, welcome to the show.

[00:01:46] Matt Whitermore: Thanks so much Patrick. Thrilled to be here. Excited for a fun conversation.

[00:01:51] Patrick Donley: I love a good real estate story, and when I read about yours, I read about your thread on Twitter.

[00:01:56] Patrick Donley: It wasn’t your thread. I forget the guy who actually did. I was super intrigued. Wanted to learn more about you. The RV Park story was interesting, really interesting, and we’ll get into that for sure in depth here shortly. But I think for many of our listeners, they’ll find a lot of value in hearing both about your past real estate experience, which you’ve had a lot of.

[00:02:14] Patrick Donley: Let’s start off how you first got involved in real estate. A little bit about your first steps and what your initial inspiration was to get involved in a career in real estate.

[00:02:24] Matt Whitermore: Happy to dive in there. So we’re talking back to early 2012 was when I dove into real estate. Actually, 2011. I first got my real estate license, was living in the city of Boston and was an apartment rental agent.

[00:02:37] Matt Whitermore: I was still a full-time college student at the time, so it was a great seasonal way to make some money. Didn’t enjoy it particularly as a career path, but met a lot of landlords and investors and that immediately piqued my interest. Ended up getting into acquisitions for a Boston multi-family group that was doing tons of volume.

[00:02:59] Matt Whitermore: It was still the heyday of foreclosure auctions, so I was studying the properties that were coming up for auction and analyzing those and, and helping with acquisitions. Did that for four years and then pivoted really into the world of finance and worked for the next five, six years as a financial analyst doing commercial mortgages before jumping into invest myself, which was in the small multi-family world in upstate New York.


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