07 July 2020

On today’s show, I sit down with seasoned real estate investor Tristan Thomas to take a look at the mobile home investing niche. Tristan started with just $3,500 and now owns over 50 mobile homes, including a mobile home park.



  • How to start investing in real estate with little capital.
  • Why you should consider the mobile home investing niche.
  • How holding titles to mobile homes differs from traditional real estate.
  • What is rent-to-own financing?
  • How you can encourage tenants to take better care of their properties.
  • How to choose markets to invest in.
  • How you can look for a mentor that can help you in your real estate investing journey.
  • And much, much more!


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Robert Leonard  00:02

On today’s show, I sit down with seasoned real estate investor Tristan Thomas to take a look at the mobile home investing niche. Tristan started with just $3500 and now owns over 50 mobile homes, including a mobile home park. Not only is Tristan’s story inspiring because of what he’s been able to accomplish at such a young age, but you’ll also hear how relatable his story is. He didn’t start with a big advantage that no one listening to the show today has. He started where many of us start and he put in the hard work to get to where he is today. It wasn’t easy for him and it won’t be easy for you either. But Tristan is proof that you can do it too. So without further delay, let’s jump into this inspiring conversation with Tristan Thomas.

Intro  00:50

You’re listening to Real Estate Investing by The Investors Podcast Network, where your host Robert Leonard interviews successful investors from various real estate investing niches to help educate you on your real estate investing journey.

Robert Leonard  01:11

Welcome to today’s show. As always, I’m your host, Robert Leonard. And I’m excited to have Tristan Thomas here with me today. Welcome to the show, Tristan.

Tristan Thomas  01:19

Thanks, Robert. Thanks for having me.

Robert Leonard  01:21

For those listening that may not know who you are, walk us through your story and how you got to where you are today.

Tristan Thomas  01:26

I’m a young entrepreneur, real estate investor. I’m 27 years old. And when I was in college, I was just trying to figure out where I was going to go with my path in my career and everything. So I studied heavily in real estate investing. I didn’t know exactly what niche I wanted to get into, but was heavily interested in multifamily investing. But as I graduated college and moved back to Maine and started working, I realized that mobile home investing was something that fit my qualities a lot better as far as financially. So basically, I started really, really small, I started with one with only a few thousand bucks, and that kind of snowball effect from there and grew into this portfolio that’s now over 50 units. And I’ve studied the mobile home niche itself for three or four years now specifically, and got myself into a position where I work for a national company doing mobile home specific stuff. That’s kind of the eagle eye view of everything.

Robert Leonard  02:16

So why real estate? How did you know that you wanted to go into real estate?

Tristan Thomas  02:20

Good question. Growing up, my dad had some apartment buildings. So it’s something I was used to. And, you know, I had always had a knack for making money. I had paper routes, sold ice cream at fairs and stuff like that. But there’s nothing better than passive income. And like I said, when I was in college, I was just trying to look at my path. I studied exercise science, and I realized that there was like, absolutely no money in that for me and just the lifestyle. I knew I wanted to live, I knew I needed to make some money. And I knew that real estate could be something that could supplement it. I didn’t know at the time that it would take off how it did and be a full-time career or a full-time job. I thought it was just something I do on the side. But I’ve just always known that real estate was was the way to wealth and that was where I wanted to go.


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