24 February 2021

On today’s show, Robert Leonard brings back John Engle to talk about Tesla in-depth, and other high-profile stocks. We dive deep into how Tesla’s stock and business have performed in the past year, and what investors can learn from this Tesla experience to be ready to take advantage of the next potential Tesla. John is the President of Almington Capital and Chief Investment Officer of Cannabis Capital Group.



  • About Tesla’s stock performance in 2020.
  • How Tesla’s underlying business performed in 2020.
  • Why Tesla’s stock dropped after being included in the S&P 500. 
  • What it means to short Tesla and other speculative companies. 
  • Where is Tesla going from here?
  • Some misconceptions regarding Tesla’s business and stock.
  • Key takeaways from Tesla that can help investors make better decisions and anticipate the “next Tesla.”
  • And much, much more!


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Robert Leonard (00:02):
On today’s show, I bring back John Engle to talk about Tesla in depth and other high profile stocks. We dive deep into how Tesla stock and business have performed in the past year and what investors can learn from this Tesla experience to be ready to take advantage of the next potential Tesla. John is the President of Almington Capital and Chief Investment Officer of Cannabis Capital Group. Tesla has been a very popular stock over the last year, so I wanted to bring on a guest to talk in depth about it.

Robert Leonard (00:33):
On financial news, you often hear all of the good things about Tesla with few people talking about the potential negatives of the company. I wanted to bring on a guest to talk about the other perspective of Tesla, and John is very clearly a Tesla bear. This episode is not meant to tell you to not buy Tesla if you believe in the company. Rather, my goal with the episode is to force you to hear and understand the other side of your investment. A lot of people fall victim to confirmation bias, which means you only look for resources that confirm your opinions, and I think that’s even more prevalent with popular stocks like Tesla.

Robert Leonard (01:12):
Popular stocks, especially those with huge returns in a short period of time, cause FOMO, which is the fear of missing out, and people buy without fully understanding what they’re buying. I brought John on to talk about the bear case and why Tesla might not work out as an investment. If you still believe in Tesla and your thesis for your investment after this episode, that is great, and you should continue to hold, but at least you’ll hear the potential risks to your investment that I don’t think enough people are aware of.

Robert Leonard (01:43):
Now, without further delay, let’s get into this week’s episode with John Engle.

Intro (01:48):
You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard (02:01):
Hey everyone, welcome back to the Millennial Investing Podcast. As always, I’m your host Robert Leonard, and with me today, I bring back John Engle. Welcome to the show, John.

John Engle (02:19):
Thanks for having me back.

Robert Leonard (02:20):
For those who didn’t hear our last conversation back on Episode 52, tell us a bit about yourself and walk us through your story.

John Engle (02:28):
My name is John, as you already said, I am an investment professional, consultant, and all around market gadfly. I have been particularly interested in a number of sectors, including automotive, technology, and aerospace, as well as investing in private markets, in a venture capital space is usually in the startup space, focusing on a range of technologies, including Syntech in particular, as well as AI and no-code machine learning.


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