13 February 2023

In this week’s episode, Patrick Donley (@jpatrickdonley) talks with Bobby Fijan about his quest to become the Bill James of apartment floorplans, how he got started as a real estate developer, what his experience of doing office to residential conversions has been like, what are some of the biggest design errors, and what makes for a great floorplan.

Bobby has been involved in real estate startup companies his entire career. In 2011, he started Cross Properties with three other partners in the basement of a seminary. He has worn every hat in real estate from finance, capital markets, fundraising, leasing, late night maintenance, and semi-professional architect. 

In 2021, Bobby founded Form Analytics which is a data technology company that optimizes apartment floorplans. Form has assembled the largest mapped database of apartments in the United States and helps maximize the Revenue/Square Foot for ground-up multifamily projects.



  • How Bobby got started as a real estate developer.
  • Why Bobby wants to become the Bill James of apartment floorplans.
  • Why floorplans are often an afterthought.
  • What the most optimal floorplan design is.
  • What his experience doing office to residential conversions has been like.
  • What one asset class he thinks will do well in the coming years.
  • What his two guiding beliefs are when it comes to apartments.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Bobby Fijan: But the analytical approach started with measuring new things, which was a lot of painstaking work, and then data analysis could happen after that. That is the exact same approach that I have taken to apartment floor plates.

[00:00:16] Patrick Donley: Hey everybody. In this week’s episode, I got to sit down with Bobby Fijan and talk about his quest to become the Bill James of apartment floor plans, how he got his start as a real estate developer, what his experience of doing office to residential conversions has been like, what some of the biggest designers are, and what makes for a great floor plan.

[00:00:34] Patrick Donley: Bobby’s been involved in real estate startup companies his entire career, and in 2011 he started Cross Properties with three other partners in the basement of a seminary. In 2021, he founded Form Analytics, which is a data technology company that optimizes apartment floor plants. Form has assembled the largest mapped database of apartments in the US and with their proprietary database, helps maximize the revenue per square foot for ground up multi-family projects.

[00:01:02] Patrick Donley: I only got to about half my questions that I wanted to ask Bobby. I found him incredibly thoughtful and insightful about all aspects of real estate, and I really enjoyed hearing about the progression of his career, which has been quite remarkable. And so without further delay, let’s jump into this week’s episode with Bobby Fijan.

[00:01:23] Intro: You are listening to Real Estate 101 by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts Robert Leonard and Patrick Donley, interview successful investors from various real estate investing niches to help educate you on your real estate investing journey.

[00:01:46] Patrick Donley: Welcome to the Real Estate 101 Podcast. I’m your host, Patrick Donley, and with me today is a really special guest I’m excited to have on the show, Bobby Fijan. Bobby, welcome to the show.

[00:01:55] Bobby Fijan: Very glad to be here. Patrick.

[00:01:57] Patrick Donley: Excited to have you. I found out about you like many of our guests recently on real estate Twitter, and on your bio it says that you’re the Bill James of floor plans.

[00:02:06] Patrick Donley: I wasn’t a hundred percent sure who Bill James was, so I had to look that up. I kind of had an inkling. But tell us who he is and why you are or consider yourself or want to be the Bill James of apartment floor

[00:02:16] Bobby Fijan: plans. Bill James is the Moneyball guy, like about 25, 30 years, like before Moneyball actually got started.

[00:02:23] Bobby Fijan: And what he would do is he would take like individual box scores from the newspaper and then create new statistics out of them. We don’t use most of the statistics that he invented like a long time ago, but it established the pattern for how you were going to analyze things. You had to measure new stuff.

[00:02:39] Bobby Fijan: You know, for a long time baseball was, winners were, pitchers were judged by the number of wins and losses, maybe by their earned run average and some things like that. But as long as you had these very old school statistics, there wasn’t much like deeper analysis you could do. You could combine different things, like they came up with double doubles or double doubles in basketball or 30, 30 years, like you had 30 home runs and 30 stolen base, and people just kind of assumed that those were good.


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