14 May 2022

Clay Finck breaks down his simple formula for building lasting wealth, the big three expenses you should look out for to increase your cash flow, the two appreciating assets that Clay prefers to invest in, the criteria Clay uses to help determine if he should make an investment or not, and much more!



  • The simple formula to building lasting wealth.
  • The big three expenses to look out for to increase your cash flow.
  • The appreciating assets that Clay tends to invest in.
  • The criteria Clay uses to help determine if he should make an investment or not.
  • What the 4% rule is, and how it applies to investors.
  • And much, much more!



Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Clay Finck (00:03):

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Clay Finck. And today is the first release of our mini episode series that will be released every Saturday. As the Millennial Investing show has grown over the years, we’ve found it somewhat difficult to take us back to our roots of empowering millennial investors, who are oftentimes more beginner investors. Many of the guests we bring on are experts in their field, so sometimes the content can get fairly complex.

Clay Finck (00:30):

With that, I bring you the mini episodes where it will be just me talking about a specific topic related to personal finance, money, investing, and other money challenges that millennials might face in regards to their finances. These episodes will be shorter than our other episodes, where we typically interview professionals and industry experts in the finance space. We’re planning to use these episodes to really dive into the weeds on specific topics to help provide you guys even more value in addition to the other episodes we already provide. If you have any topics or questions you’d like me to dive into in future mini episodes, feel free to DM me on Twitter @clay_finck, that’s @clay_finck. Or you can shoot me an email at clay@theinvestorspodcast.com. With that, let’s dive right in to today’s episode.

Intro (01:21):

You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts, Robert Leonard and Clay Finck, interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Clay Finck (01:41):

All right, during this episode, I’m going to be covering some of the basics on how to build wealth. Before we dive specifically into how to build wealth, I’d like to mention that there are many definitions of wealth. There’s financial wealth, meaning that you have a lot of money or you have a lot of financial assets. There’s time wealth, meaning that you have plenty of free time and you get to spend your days however you’d like. And there are other types of wealth. But during this episode, I’m going to be focusing on financial wealth.

Clay Finck (02:09):

The formula to building financial wealth is simple, but not necessarily easy. The first step is to spend less than you make. So if you take all the income you earn, let’s say you earn $5,000 per month after tax for simplicity’s sake, if you’re spending less than $5,000, then you’re going to have positive free cash flow. And you’ll have money left over to keep either as cash or use it to try and turn it into more cash. If you’re spending more than you make, or in this case, spending more than $5,000, then you have negative cash flow, which means that your net worth would be decreasing over that month, all else being equal.


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