28 January 2022

On today’s show, Robert Leonard sits down with Sean Castrina to talk about his insights on entrepreneurship, and some practical advice for millennials who want to start a business or side hustle. Sean has founded more than 20 companies, is an investor, and wrote 3 books on entrepreneurship and business. He is also the host of the 10 Minute Entrepreneur Podcast, one of the top business podcasts today.



  • Can entrepreneurship be taught?
  • Does an MBA help someone become a successful entrepreneur?
  • How to stay motivated at your business.
  • How to fund and market your business.
  • The 5 Golden Rules for a Successful Startup.
  • And much, much more!




Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Robert Leonard  0:02

On today’s show, I sat down with Sean Castrina to talk about his insights on entrepreneurship and some practical advice for millennials who want to start a business or side hustle.

Sean has founded more than 20 companies, is an investor and has written three books on entrepreneurship and business. He is also the host of the Ten Minute Entrepreneur Podcast, one of the top business podcasts today.

Sean isn’t a one hit wonder entrepreneur. He’s a successful serial entrepreneur in many different types of businesses. He brings a lot of knowledge on the subject of today’s episode. If you’re someone who is just starting a business or side hustle, I think it’s super useful to listen to some of the triumphs and failures of people like Sean so you can apply these in your own journey.

Before we get into the interview with Sean, I’m going to do a quick Q&A, just like I did in last week’s episode. I will answer some of the most popular questions I’ve gotten from you guys over the last few weeks. I also just want to remind you of the fee for the show. It is not a monetary fee, so you don’t have to pay anything to listen to the show. I don’t want you guys to have to pay anything for the show.

What the fee is comes from my favorite entrepreneur, Andy Frisella, and what he does this on his podcast. The fee is you just tell one person about the show for each episode that you like. So if you liked this episode, it makes you laugh, teaches you something, makes you think a little bit deeper, just tell somebody what you’re listening to.

You don’t have to share it across social media or anything like that. Just for each episode that you listen to and you enjoy. I really appreciate it guys. We don’t run any ads to grow the show. The show just grows organically from word of mouth from you guys sharing it.

Intro  1:57

You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network where your host Robert Leonard interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard  2:19

Hey, everyone, welcome to Episode 71 of The Millennial Investing Podcast. As always, I’m your host, Robert Leonard. With me today is Sean Castrina.

As I said in the intro, before we get into the interview with Sean, I’m going to do a quick Q&A and answer some of the most popular questions I’ve been getting from you guys over the last couple weeks. Then we’ll get into the interview with Sean.

To start off, the first question that I’m going to discuss is do you invest your emergency fund? I want to talk about this question, because we recently had an episode here on the podcast where we talked about investing your emergency fund. The truth is, I don’t personally invest my emergency fund right now.

After that episode, I’ve started to research it more, I’m looking into potentially investing some of it. I might use some more conservative options, selling strategies to collect some premium so I might start selling some puts and collecting the premium on that, but you can lose money that way as well. I’m not sure if I want to do that with my emergency fund yet.


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  • Robert and Clay’s tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance.
  • Get a FREE audiobook from Audible.
  • Sean Castrina’s book 8 Unbreakable Rules for Start-up Success.
  • George Clason’s book The Richest Man in Babylon.
  • Gary Keller’s book The Millionaire Real Estate Investor.
  • Benjamin Graham’s book The Intelligent Investor.
  • Sean Castrina’s book World’s Greatest Business Plan: That Works!
  • Gino Wickman’s book Entrepreneurial Leap.
  • 5 Startup Resources to Consider for Your New Business.
  • If You Want to Innovate, Stop Working So Hard!
  • Mike Michalowicz’s book The Pumpkin Plan.
  • Mike Michalowicz’s book The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur.
  • All of Robert’s favorite books.
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