1 March 2022

Clay Finck chats with Jesse Mecham about what led him to start his business in 2004 while he was still in college, when Jesse knew if was time to quit his full-time accounting career to go all in on his business, what is and what is not a budget, whether budgets are for everyone or not, why it’s important to look at an investor’s overall financial situation when assessing their strategy, and much more!

Jesse Mecham is the Founder of You Need A Budget (YNAB) as well as a personal finance expert and business leader. Jesse hosts the You Need A Budget Podcast, the Beginning Balance Podcast and is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of, You Need A Budget. (He’s nothing if not consistent!) A self-proclaimed “recovering CPA,” he is deeply passionate about teaching individuals, families, and business owners YNAB’s Four Rules to help them gain total control of their money.



  • What led Jesse to start his business in 2004 while he was still in college.
  • How his business has changed and evolved over the years.
  • The story on when Jesse knew it was time to quit his full-time accounting career to go all in on his business.
  • What is, and what is not a budget.
  • Whether a budget is for everyone, even those with high incomes and high savings rates.
  • YNAB’s four money rules.
  • What Jesse’s personal portfolio looks like.
  • Why it’s important to look at someone’s whole financial situation when trying to compare it to your own investing strategy.
  • What some of Jesse’s favorite books are.
  • And much, much more!




Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Jesse Mecham (00:03):

We do that where we feel like we use busyness as an indicator of production, where it’s not, we’re just spinning our wheels. So, one question that I often ask myself, and it’s not a question I invented, but just, “Will this move the needle? Will this move the needle?” And you’ll find as you’re trying to grow a podcast or market a book or build a blog or whatever it is, you’ll find that what moves the needle is you doing uncomfortable things like asking for things.

Clay Finck (00:35):

On today’s show. I sit down to chat with Jesse Mecham. Jesse is the founder of You Need A Budget or YNAB, and is also a personal finance expert and business leader. Jesse also hosts the You Need A Budget Podcast, The Beginning Balance Podcast, and is The Wall Street Journal bestselling author of You Need A Budget. Jesse is deeply passionate about teaching individuals, families, and business owners YNAB’s four rules to help them gain total control of their money, which Jesse will be covering for us a little bit later.

Clay Finck (01:07):

During our conversation, I chat with Jesse about what led him to start his business in 2004 while he’s still in college, when Jesse knew it was time to quit his full-time accounting career to go all in on his business, what is and what is not a budget, whether budgets are for everyone or not, even those with high incomes and high savings rates, why it’s important to look at an investor’s overall financial situation when assessing their own strategy, and much more. I find Jesse’s story to be really inspirational.

Clay Finck (01:39):

When Jesse started YNAB, he would work on his business part time from 4:00 to 5:00 AM while working his full-time job 80 hours a week. I will most definitely be revisiting this episode in the future as Jesse is someone I really look up to myself. I sincerely hope you enjoy today’s episode as much as I did, with Jesse Mecham.

Intro (02:01):

You’re listening to Millennial Investing, by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts, Robert Leonard and Clay Finck interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Clay Finck (02:21):

Hey, everyone, welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Clay Finck. And today, I’m joined by Jesse Mecham. Jesse, pleasure having you back on the show.

Jesse Mecham (02:31):

I’m very glad to be back. Thanks for having me, Clay.

Clay Finck (02:34):

You were previously on the Millennial Investing Podcast a year ago, back on episode 80 with Robert Leonard, for listeners that would like to check out that episode. For this one, I wanted to dive into your journey, starting with your company, YNAB, or You Need A Budget. I think the listeners and the audience will enjoy learning about your background as you have a very humble beginning. What led you to starting YNAB all the way back in 2004, which was now over 17 years ago?

Jesse Mecham (03:04):

Yeah, that is crazy to think how long ago it is. Honestly, my main motivation, to be super frank, was money. My wife and I, we’ve been married just about 19 years now, but we had just gotten married and we were both working student jobs at the university, super low paying jobs, like nine, $10 an hour in that range. I still had three years of school to finish a master’s degree in accounting. And Julie, my wife, was wrapping up a social work degree where her job prospects were like 11 bucks an hour or something like that. So I just knew that things were going to be super tight.


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  • Enter the Millennial Investing Giveaway here.
  • Robert and Clay’s tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance.
  • Check out You Need a Budget.
  • Check out YNAB’s YouTube channel.
  • Books mentioned in the episode: Traction, High Output Management, The Hard Thing about Hard Things, Your Money or Your Life, The Richest Man in Babylon, Antifragile, & Four Thousand Weeks.
  • Related Episode: To Be A Successful Investor, You Need A Budget W/ Jesse Mecham.
  • Check out our Investing Starter Packs about business and finance.
  • Are you a looking to start investing? Check out our article on How to Invest in Stocks: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners.
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