14 December 2024

In today’s episode, Kyle Grieve explores the life of Charlie Munger, drawing insights from his biography Damn Right!. He’ll cover Charlie’s similarities and differences with Benjamin Graham, the value of dedicating an hour a day to thinking, the role of decisiveness and conviction in transformative investments, and how independent thinking shaped his life. Plus, he’ll discuss lessons from his days practicing law, key takeaways from his investment partnership, and much more!


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  • How Charlie Munger’s approach to investing was more similar to Benjamin Graham than most think.
  • How selling himself just one hour a day transformed Charlie’s thinking.
  • Learn about Charlie’s multi-billion-dollar missed opportunity.
  • Lessons from Munger’s legal career on working with people you like and how that shaped his investing strategy.
  • What Munger and Benjamin Graham can teach you about the power of independent thinking.
  • Insights from Munger’s Investment Partnership: what worked, what didn’t, and why.
  • Why highly concentrated portfolios thrive in bull markets but face unique challenges in bear markets—and why they’re not for everyone.
  • Why owning a high-quality business is not just profitable but also less stressful—and infinitely more enjoyable.
  • Discover why Berkshire Hathaway never having a grand plan was a massive advantage.
  • How Munger approached capital allocation and his contrarian views on the cost of capital.
  • And so much more!


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[00:00:00] Kyle Grieve: Charlie Munger is well known for helping Warren Buffett understand the importance of owning quality businesses. On the topic of Charlie Munger and quality, I wanted to really improve my understanding of why Charlie arrived at this conclusion about quality in the first place.

[00:00:15] Kyle Grieve: And, I think the book Damn Right, by Janet Lowe, does just a marvelous job explaining enough pertinent background information on Charlie Munger’s life to really help deepen my understanding. And today, I want to share these lessons with you. For instance, Charlie made some mediocre investments in his formative years.

[00:00:33] Kyle Grieve: During these experiences, he learned why he didn’t want to invest in specific business categories. The most apparent category was businesses that were a headache to own and run. I’ll go over this investment in detail and discuss some of the obstacles that he had to overcome to just break even. But more importantly, we’re going to discuss some of the lasting impacts that this investment had on Charlie’s perception of quality.

[00:00:55] Kyle Grieve: Even though Charlie helped run his law office for a few short years, he learned a heck of a lot about business during those days. Whether it was about learning who he did and did not want to work with, making some lasting business connections that he found from working with wonderful clients, or how to run a meritocratic business, he took a lot of lessons from these experiences that he had in law.

[00:01:15] Kyle Grieve: In typical Charlie Munger fashion, he continued to live by these principles and adapted them into his life and investing framework with flawless execution. Another area of Charlie’s life that I think I kind of misunderstood was his insatiable focus. This aspect of his life kind of made him look like an absent minded professor, but in reality, it was a big reason for Charlie’s success.

[00:01:36] Kyle Grieve: Charlie’s focus was so intense in certain instances that many social conventions were just thrown out of the window to allow Charlie to focus on the task at hand. I’ll also discuss some of the striking similarities between Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett’s mentor, Benjamin Graham. While many observers will correctly link Warren’s evolution to Charlie Munger, Munger did share some qualities that were very similar to Benjamin Graham, which I think probably led to Warren and Charlie’s very deep intellectual connection.

[00:02:03] Kyle Grieve: If you want to sharpen your knowledge of Charlie Munger’s life experiences and better understand where he came from, I know you’ll enjoy the lessons from this episode. Now, without further ado, let’s get right into this week’s episode.

[00:02:18] Intro: Since 2014, and through more than 180 million downloads, we’ve studied the financial markets and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected. Now for your host, Kyle Grieve.

[00:02:47] Kyle Grieve: Welcome to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host Kyle Grieve and today we’ll be discussing Charlie Munger’s excellent biography Damn Right by Janet Lowe. So Charlie Munger is a person who I can very easily say has heavily influenced me and probably many of the other hosts that you listen to here regularly on TIP.

[00:03:05] Kyle Grieve: So I’m ecstatic to share my thoughts and learnings from the book Damn Right, behind the scenes with Berkshire Hathaway billionaire Charlie Munger. This book was very well done and was written with the aid of Charlie Munger. Now, I want to start this episode by discussing the first chapter, which details the similarities and differences between Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett, and Benjamin Graham.


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